American deterioration and the appeasement of the Islamo-Marxist alliance, pre and post 10/7

This article was originally published by the Jerusalem Post on 10/23/24, written by Adam Milstein.

Just over a year ago, Hamas unleashed an attack on Israel with unimaginable barbarity. This was not just an isolated act of terrorism, nor was it a sudden eruption of violence. The seeds of 10/7 were sown for decades. And for those who’ve been paying attention, the 10/7 attack, and the explosion of antisemitism in America and Western countries since, was no surprise.

September 11th exposed America to the threats of radical Islam. But as years passed, America and the West became complacent. More than two decades from 9/11, Islamists have not adjusted their aims or intent, but now enjoy full support  by many factions of the far left. The fatal flaw of the West?  Believing the false premise that radical Islam aligns with liberal values.

Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Houthis, and the Islamic Republic of Iran’s fates are sealed in the book of history. They are genocidal, oppressive, radical Muslim entities who welcome destruction and death. But what happens when future generations ask: “Who enabled their rise and prominence in Europe and America?” We allowed them to use every aspect of our democracy, such as immigration, education, religious liberty, politics, Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, etc. to gain power, influence and, in some cases, dominance.

For two decades, I have written about the threat the Islamo-left alliance  posed not only to Jews, but to all Americans. I spoke about it to whoever would listen. I wish I was wrong. I wish I had been crying wolf. Unfortunately, the 10/7 attack and the subsequent wave of Jew-hatred propelled by radical Muslims and far-left movements has proven me, tragically, correct.

Earlier this month, we mourned, we grieved, and we remembered 10/7. We commemorate the lives of innocent men, women, and children brutally murdered by Hamas. And how did Americans at elite universities mark the anniversary of the day when the most Jews were killed since the Holocaust? They celebrated. They glorified the perpetrators.

The Deterioration of America and Western Values

Universities are breeding grounds for radical ideologies, including antisemitism. For the past year, almost every weekend, young people in Keffiyehs have filled the streets, threatening Jews, carrying signs that call for the destruction of the world’s only Jewish state. These same people issue calls to bring down the Empire (referring to the US), and light the American flag on fire. They vilify the values that built America: democracy, free speech, individual rights, and the rule of law.

In this world, moral equivalence reigns. The narrative that there is no difference between good and evil, Israel and Hamas, or between those defending their citizens and terrorists determined to harm innocents.

America’s wavering and waffling support of Israel signals to radical groups that the West no longer stands firmly for the principles of freedom and human dignity. This weakness emboldens enemies of democracy and gives them license to act with impunity.

Appeasement of Evil Leads to Tragedy

For too long, radical Muslim movements have been given a pass by the international community influenced by the far-left. Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Iran, and their ilk have grown in strength and influence, not because they are powerful forces, but because the West has repeatedly chosen diplomacy and appeasement over moral clarity. This willingness to engage with regimes and organizations that openly call for the destruction of Israel and the West has predictably led to disaster.

The Iran nuclear deal, celebrated by many as a diplomatic victory, normalized and empowered Iran – the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism. By offering legitimacy and financial relief to Iran, the deal strengthened the regime’s proxies, helped supply and train Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis in Yemen and the Shiah militias in Iraq, and allowed the IRGC to expand their reach. Instead of confronting Iran and its proxies, the United States and the West empowered it, leading directly to the Hamas’ 10/7 attack, Hezbollah’s  daily missile attacks on Israeli civilians, and Iran’s ballistic missiles attacks on Israel.

This policy of appeasement is not just confined to the Middle East. Within the West itself, government officials, institutions, and human rights organizations legitimize Islamist groups, parrot their views and embrace their rhetoric. Hamas is regularly portrayed as a political movement fighting for Palestinian liberation, when it is a terrorist organization with a charter that explicitly calls for the annihilation of Jews worldwide.

Evil does not compromise. There’s a reason that Neville Chamberlain’s name is associated with blunder and Winston Churchill’s name evokes courage.

Churchill knew what Chamberlain failed to understand about Nazi Germany. Evil cannot be reasoned with or moderated, it can only be defeated. When it comes to brinksmanship, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iran are no different.

A Call for Moral Clarity

The assault on Israel by Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iran are an attack on the values of freedom, democracy, human rights, secular life, women, and human dignity. They were an attack on the Western world.

Now is the time for moral clarity. Israel is the floodgate. The fight to defend Israel is a fight to defend Western values. Appeasement and moral ambiguity will only lead to more violence and hatred. The West must confront its enemies within and stand with Israel against the enemies on its border. Not just for the sake of the Jewish state, but for the sake of freedom and democracy everywhere.

2024/25 Is a Seminal Year for American Universities – Will They Meet It?

This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on September 20th, 2024.

The chapter of American university life in 2023/24 is already written – academic leadership was not equipped nor willing to stand up against antisemitism on campus. In one academic year, we witnessed cowardly administrators, fired presidents, the berating, bullying, and assaulting of Jewish students. Outside agitators and extremist groups were allowed to destroy campus sovereignty. Student groups appeased the murder and rape of Israeli civilians. Jewish students were under attack. Simply, universities overwhelmingly failed to protect their Jewish students.

The question remains, has university leadership learned anything from last year? And as the 2024/25 school year begins, will they choose a different path? Recent news about the Columbia Taskforce on antisemitism which reported extreme discrimination against Jews looks like an auspicious beginning to the year.

Here are three reasons why universities must act firmly, courageously, and consistently to rebuild flailing academic institutions:

  1. Campus leadership must stop allowing a loud, misinformed, angry minority and outside instigators to overtake campus life

The protests, encampments, and demonstrations are not representative of the views of the majority of college students. Allowing a loud minority, which often includes non-students and paid agitators, to disrupt campus culture is immoral and wasteful. The social, political, and real capital required to manage and control these activists, protests, and riots is unsustainable.

Yet, throughout last year, administrators appeased and even encouraged bad actors, allowing them to maintain their disruptive presence on campus. These are learning institutions, not playgrounds to cosplay as revolutionaries. And campus leadership should make that point firmly.

Academic life in America used to consist of debating Plato and exploring biology and economics. Today, universities are saturated with students who seek confrontation for ‘likes’ on social media and outsiders with extremists’ agendas. The agitators have zero impact on any of the policies they claim to care about. What do they affect? Students’ emotional and physical wellbeing, and their literal ability to get to class as well as the public’s perception about the high education institutions that allow this mayhem.

  1. Universities must reclaim the “American” in their founding charters

Protestors spew anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiment, and they are hell bent on rewriting Western history and placing American history is on the chopping block.  Countless faculty and students feverishly follow a toxic, regressive neo-Marxist ideology. It sees the United States, western countries, and Israel as white supremacists, nationalistic, colonizers and seek to dismantle the Western world order.

Followers of this ideology have no interest in the truth. They consistently seek information and opinions to reaffirm their pre-existing views and political goals. This is antithetical to liberal academic values. And they vehemently oppose freedom of speech and reject the open exchange of ideas and viewpoints, vital facets of democracy. They are merely laser-focused on how one version of history helps them in the present and future. They are not interested in learning history or grasping complexity. And their toxic views motivate actions, as they unabashedly burn American flags alongside Israeli ones.

University leadership must recognize – this ideology is not only a threat to Jews, but a threat to all Americans and to the fundamentals of the American way of life.

  1. Universities must reinforce their sovereignty

Foreign actors use the current moment to sow discord and chaos on our American universities and beyond. The external  funding of groups frequently disrupting campus has already been raised into question. Organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, and Codepink take advantage of lax campus policies to infect campus life. These organizations and the propaganda machines out of Tehran and Doha are intent on harming America. They do so by sowing seeds of unrest and division in our vital institutions, as well as in the media and social media. Administrators must use their platforms to educate students about the dangers of social media and about the importance of independent journalism. Administrators must also reassert themselves as the gatekeepers to truth. They can only do so when they reject the anti-Western propaganda so many of their students embrace.

These protestors’ real agenda is to undermine American institutional life and in the 2023-2024, they succeeded. Harvard, MIT, Columbia, UPenn, UCLA, and countless others paid a heavy price. They failed to protect their students and for doing so, they were rightfully shamed in the public arena. If other institutions want to avoid the same fate, they must tactfully and strategically weed out the antisemitism and anti-Americanism in their midst.

This academic year is a great opportunity for American universities to reclaim their institutional gravitas. In words and actions, university leadership must boldly protect their Jewish students.

If they write the wrongs of the past year, stand firm in reasserting their place as the citadels of American education, the history books will be kinder. And Jews and all Americans will benefit.

Presidents, administrators, teachers, and students must decide – will they continue to contribute to the obsolescence of the American university throughout appeasement of outside forces and radical students? Or will they rebuild American academic life?

Sometimes, things must get worse to get better. Let’s hope last year on college campus was the worst it could get.

From apathy to action: The revival of Jewish determination

This article was originally published in The Jerusalem Post, on August 18th, 2024, written by Adam Milstein.

If apathy breeds complacency, nothing ignites a fire quite like the recognition that your survival is at stake. October 7 has generated a powerful sense of motivation in the Jewish community – not seen in many years.

I’ve been involved in Jewish and Israeli advocacy for decades. Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed the ebb and flow of community involvement. From the ever-passionate to the occasionally engaged and one-time donors, the Jewish community’s taste for proudly standing up and taking action wavers with the times. Yet, this past year has been unlike any other I have seen.

For the first time, I’ve observed an unprecedented surge in passion, commitment, and determination. This renewed vigor is a promising sign for the future of Jewish life both in Israel and the diaspora. My optimism, however, comes with trepidation. Can we turn this extraordinary energy into tangible results, or will we let it wither on the vine?

Here’s how we got here and what we can do.

  1. A legacy of comfort and complacency

The previous generation, born after the Holocaust, lived through a time of newfound advocacy and institutional legitimacy. Behemoths like the Jewish Federations of North America, ADL, and AJC reached heights of funding and influence. During this current period, despite numerous previous conflicts in Israel, from the Six-Day War to the Yom Kippur War, antisemitism in America didn’t come close to what we see today. The succeeding generation was raised in relative safety. They grew up in a time when antisemitism seemed to be in decline, and statements like “Never Again” were sufficient. This sense of comfort led to a perception that the battle was largely won, making the fight for Jewish security less urgent and less present.

However, beneath the surface, antisemitism was slowly trickling up, mainly promoted by the new antisemites of the 21st Century, the Islamo-Leftist alliance. The enemies of the Jewish people used our complacency to unite and advance antisemitic and radical agendas in universities and high schools, on social media, in the media, in politics, and beyond. Many in our community were blinded by our sense of comfort and refused to acknowledge that the most serious danger came from the radical left, let alone fight it.

  1. A new awakening to persistent threats

The atrocities of October 7 and the waves of antisemitism in the subsequent months served as an awakening for Jews everywhere. Rabid Jew-hatred has exploded across our cities, and American college campuses have become hotbeds of hostility. Social media platforms, rife with hateful propaganda funded by foreign entities and amplified by misguided Western sympathizers, including many self-hating Jews, have brought these threats into sharp focus. The next generation of Jews has witnessed the resurgence of these dangers firsthand.

They understand that the antisemitism their ancestors fought against is no longer a relic of the past but a present and persistent threat. This recognition has ignited a sense of urgency and action. While October 7 may not equate to the Holocaust, its impact will be felt for generations. The new wave of advocates is more strategic and aware than we’ve seen in generations, applying lessons from the past to meet today’s challenges.

  1. The Jewish support for Israel is as strong as ever

Contrary to the mainstream media’s obsession with the anti-Zionist fringe, the reality is that Jewish support for Israel remains robust, strategic, and deeply organized. Groups like “Jewish Voice for Peace” attract media attention, but they represent a tiny fraction of the Jewish community. The overwhelming majority of Jews stand firmly behind Israel – 85% of American Jewish adults believe U.S. support for Israel is crucial post-October 7, and 57% feel a stronger connection to Israel and their Jewish identity since the attacks. Meanwhile, groups such as “Queers for Palestine” and “If Not Now” make headlines, but don’t achieve anything meaningful.

  1. Affluent Jews have the means. They search for impact

Following October 7, wealthy and entrepreneurial Jewish Americans, who traditionally donated to institutional giants, woke up and started to do what they do best: conducting due diligence in order to invest in new ventures. This time, they are looking for effective ways to scale up combating Jew-hatred in America.

They have been convening, brainstorming, and searching for existing and new unicorns capable of big impact. These newly committed philanthropists have been reviewing a variety of approaches, from using legal strategies and traditional media to social media, influencing elections, and building alliances with Christians, African Americans, and other American groups.

However, when it comes to execution, most wealthy Jewish-American philanthropists do not have the time or knowledge to recognize many effective Jewish and pro-Israel nonprofits and projects that span the gamut of tactical approaches. They rely on institutions and professional consultants, which take months and years to research and vet new effective organizations and new ideas.

Unfortunately, these gatekeepers tend not to connect and brainstorm with smaller and medium-sized philanthropists who have been doing this work and making an impact for years.

  1. Young Jews have the will. They need a way to engage

The Impact Forum, which I co-founded in Los Angeles with other devoted philanthropists in 2017 with the mission of empowering and mobilizing a large ecosystem of nonprofits, has seen unprecedented growth since October 7. Countless young Jews gather not just to express solidarity but are eager to engage in the substantive work needed to fortify the Jewish community and learn about the effective nonprofits that have been doing this work for years.

The challenge ahead? To ensure that the inexperienced, yet motivated “new philanthropists” work in concert to support effective efforts. Entities like the Impact Forum can provide the structure for strategic direction and help to convert their energy into tangible action.

While scores of young Jews are now working to fight for our future, still too many remain glued to their phones, doomsurfing. Now is the time to get involved. To support and contribute. To stand up and fight.

The resilience and determination I have witnessed since October 7 should infuse the Jewish people with hope and optimism for the future. And we must not waste this moment. The fight is far from over. With the right direction and philanthropic expertise, the determination of today’s Jewish community will lead to a more vibrant and secure future for the Jewish people.

The Islamo-Leftist Alliance: Threatening Jews and the US

This article was originally published in inFocus Magazine, on June 26th, 2024, written by Adam Milstein.

In the rapidly shifting geopolitical landscape of the 21st century, a disturbing alliance has emerged. It poses a profound threat not only to Jews but to Americans and Western civilization. The confluence of radical Islamic ideologies and extreme leftist orthodoxy, often referred to as the “Islamo-leftist alliance,” represents a paradoxical yet potent coalition united by a shared animosity toward Israel, Jews, and the values underpinning Western democracy. Part of this alliance, the Palestinian wing of the global Muslim Brotherhood, murdered 1,300 Israelis on October 7. Since then, American leftists wear keffiyehs, set up encampments across American universities, and openly endorse the murder of Jews. The alliance uses the pulpit in Tehran to condemn the “Zionist regime” and the bullhorn to shout “*** the Police” across American cities. Understanding this odd, yet burgeoning partnership and the threat it poses is crucial for all who value freedom, democracy, and human rights.

The Genesis of the Alliance

The origins of the Islamo-leftist alliance are rooted in a convergence of mutual interests and ideological blind spots. On one side, radical Islamic groups espouse a fundamentalist worldview that seeks to impose its interpretation of Sharia law in the West and oppose Western influence in the Muslim world. On the other side, extreme leftists advocate for radical social and political revolution, often viewing Western capitalism as the primary source of global injustice.

While these two groups appear ideologically disparate, their collaboration is driven by a hatred toward a common enemy: the West and its allies. The Islamo-leftist alliance holds a particular hatred of Israel, the Jewish people, and their Western values in the Middle East. In the United States, the Occupy Movement, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement are key actors. And abroad, their unlikely yet staunch allies in Iran and across the Middle East encourage their advocacy. Leftist activists and radical Islamists unite in terminology, tactics, and vitriol to delegitimize, demonize, and defame Israel and the United States. This movement, which consistently traffics in blatant antisemitism, targets Jews globally and fosters an environment of anti-American hatred and intolerance.

The Threat to Jewish Communities

For Jewish communities worldwide, the implications of this alliance are severe. Antisemitism, which reached its horrific zenith during the Holocaust, has resurged with alarming intensity. The Islamo-leftist alliance’s rhetoric and actions seek to normalize antisemitic discourse by rebranding it as political criticism and labeling it as “anti-Zionism.” Throughout history, antisemitism has taken many forms, today’s most common version comes with “anti-Zionist” wrapping. The question “Are you a Zionist?” is the new litmus test for entry to the left. The natural consequence, and likely its goal, is to exclude Jews from communal spaces, organizations, and institutions. Since October 7, Jewish students on college campuses have faced violent harassment, intimidation, and hatred, while synagogues and Jewish institutions are increasingly targeted with hate crimes.

This wave of modern antisemitism not only endangers the physical safety of Jews but also seeks to undermine their historical and cultural identity. The delegitimization of Israel is a core tactic of the Islamo-leftist agenda, aiming to strip Jews of their connection to their ancestral homeland. For decades, the Muslim world attempted to delegitimize and isolate the Jewish state, but  its collective impact was limited. Today, leftist leaders in South Africa, Ireland, Spain, and Norway carry the torch of the delegitimization efforts. This strategy not only affects Jews in Israel but reverberates through Jewish communities globally, instilling fear and insecurity. For many leftist leaders, to associate with and legitimize the Jewish state is politically toxic, so they appease the will of antisemitic activists, and put more Jews in danger.

The Broader Threat to America

While Jews are often the immediate targets, the Islamo-leftist alliance poses a broader threat to America and its foundational values. At its core, this coalition seeks to dismantle the principles of democracy, individual liberty, and pluralism that define Western civilization. Their hatred toward Israel and the Jewish people overlaps with their rejection of American exceptionalism and America’s international power. It’s not a coincidence that every “pro-Hamas” march and rally – disguised as “Pro-Palestinian” – is drenched not only in antisemitic imagery and rhetoric, but also in anti-American vitriol. American flags are burned alongside Israeli flags. Calls for the destruction of Israel are followed by anti-American chants. When Israel and the Jewish community are assaulted, American civil liberties, values, and freedoms are next. The alliance threatens America in the following ways:

1. Undermining Institutions: The extreme left and radical Islamists disdain the foundational values underpinning Western civilization. Together, they promote a narrative-based view of history, avoiding fact-based objective analysis. This can be best seen across American academia, where ideological views are given priority over academic integrity and the pursuit of truth. The same leftist worldview, and the commitment to a stringent Marxist political orthodoxy, has also taken over American corporations and much of the media. The recent leftist obsession with demonizing the police perfectly encapsulates the Islamo-leftist overlap. The Black Lives Matter movement and associated protests maintain a posture that’s anti-police and anti-Israel. Furthering this connection, both radical Islamists and leftists disseminate propaganda that connects Israel to American policing practices and training.

2. Erosion of Free Speech and Expression: A key component of the Islamo-leftist strategy is to silence dissent through social and political pressure. Radical leftists often employ “cancel culture” to stifle voices that challenge their orthodoxy, while Islamists use accusations of Islamophobia to suppress criticism of extremist ideologies. Leftists also increasingly look to compel speech, mandating terminology to limit freedom of expression. Land acknowledgements, mandatory pronouns, and disclaimers are all arrows in the leftist quiver. Anyone who refuses to comply with their speech code faces discrimination and ostracization. This assault on freedom of speech and freedom of expression threatens the open discourse essential to a functioning democracy.

3. The Rigid Adoption of Identity Politics: Both groups exploit identity politics to fracture society along strictly defined racial, religious, and ideological lines. By emphasizing group identity over individual merit, they create an environment ripe for conflict and division. American corporations and the public school system obsess over DEI policies, Critical Race Theory (CRT), and intersectionality. These ideological movements threaten American prosperity and cohesion. Additionally, meritocracy, a fundamental component of the American capitalist system, is verboten in leftist circles. Meritocracy has a proven track record of transcending identity and is often the most useful tool for economic advancement. Despite its value, leftists view meritocracy as a fundamentally racist concept and eagerly seek its demise. This poses a grave threat to the American economic, educational, and political future.

4. Support for Extremist Groups: The Islamo-leftist alliance operating model relies on international reciprocity. Domestic leftist groups and international Islamic groups offer tacit political cover and explicit financial funding to one another. Leftist groups adhere to critical theory and simplify every interaction based on power dynamics, where there’s an “oppressor” and an “oppressed.” This is why they sympathize with terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah (the “oppressed”). Their continued anti-Israel activism in the West validates terrorism in the Middle East. Concurrently, anti-Israel groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, and Codepink receive direct funding from anti-American entities around the globe including Qatar, China, Russia, and Iran. America’s enemies effectively weaponize these groups as influence campaigns to sow division in America from within. The Islamo-leftist global alignment not only endangers lives but also destabilizes regions crucial to global security.

The Global Implications

The consequences of the Islamo-leftist alliance extend beyond America, threatening the stability and security of the entire West. This alliance emboldens authoritarian regimes that oppose democratic values and human rights, and are eager to diminish America’s leading role in the world. By undermining the moral and political authority of the West, specifically America, the Islamo-leftist coalition provides cover for regimes including Iran, China, and Russia, all of which seek to expand their influence through subversion and aggression.

Moreover, the spread of this ideology threatens to disrupt global cooperation on critical issues such as counterterrorism, climate change, and economic stability. As the United States becomes more divided and inward-focused, its ability to respond to global challenges diminishes, leaving a vacuum that can be exploited by malign actors.

The Path Forward: Defending Western Values

To counter the threat posed by the Islamo-leftist alliance, it is imperative for Americans and their allies to understand the gravity of the threat to American exceptionalism, and to reaffirm their commitment to the core values that define Western civilization. This requires a robust approach that includes the following:

1. A Staunch Commitment to Free Speech: Upholding the principle of free speech is essential to the future health of American democracy. This means protecting the right to criticize and debate ideas without fear of retribution, and ensuring that compelled speech does not become further normalized.

2. Strengthening Alliances: Building and maintaining strong alliances with other democracies and moderate Muslim-majority nations is vital. These alliances, including the Abraham Accords, stymie the spread of radical ideologies and support efforts to promote peace, security, and economic opportunity.

3. Supporting Israel: As the frontline state in the battle against radical Islam and a key ally in the fight for democratic values, Israel’s security and legitimacy must be staunchly defended. This includes opposing efforts to delegitimize and demonize Israel through movements such as BDS, and supporting initiatives that promote peace and cooperation throughout the Middle East.

4. Defending Liberalism: It’s imperative to continue to combat the nefarious efforts of radical leftist orthodoxy in the United States. Concurrently, leaders should make a better case for why American liberal values are worth promoting, not just defending. First Amendment rights, American multiculturalism, and capitalism have powered America to world power and historic prosperity. This case should be made unabashedly with confidence. The Islamo-leftist alliance relies on a fractured West. American leaders should make the case that our culture is united.

5. Countering Extremism and International Influence: Radical activists use America’s public education system to advance extremist ideologies. America’s enemies can sow dissent and chaos with ease. The US government must investigate and prevent international funding for radical leftist domestic groups. Robust counterterrorism strategies and efforts to combat radicalization are critical in mitigating the threat posed by extremist groups. This includes both domestic measures to prevent homegrown terrorism and international cooperation to disrupt the networks that support and finance terrorism.

The Islamo-leftist alliance represents a formidable challenge to Jews, Americans, and the broader Western world. Its insidious blend of radical ideologies seek to undermine the very foundations of democracy, freedom, and human rights that define our societies. To preserve these values and protect our communities, it is essential to recognize this threat and mobilize a comprehensive and united response.

By reaffirming our commitment to the principles of liberalism, strengthening alliances, and countering extremism, we can confront the Islamo-leftist alliance and safeguard the future of the West. This is not merely a battle for the survival of the Jewish people or the security of Israel; it is a fight for the very soul of Western civilization. Let us stand united in this endeavor, resolute in our defense of liberty and justice for all.

Exposing the Vile Antisemitism of the “Pro-Palestinian” Activists

This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on June 23rd, 2024, written by Adam Milstein

Since October 7th, protests around the globe in support of the “Palestinian cause” have exploded in popularity and tenacity. Anti-Israel and anti-Jewish activists repeatedly, almost religiously claim that they’re not antisemitic but merely “pro-Palestinian”, while celebrating (and sometimes, at the same time denying) the atrocities committed by Palestinian terror groups.

However, it’s almost impossible to find a “pro-Palestinian” rally that isn’t drenched in antisemitic rhetoric, anti-Jewish venom, or stereotypical tropes. They chant “from the river to the sea”, which means the complete annihilation of the Jewish state. They have called on Hamas and Hezbollah to inflict more death and destruction on Jews living in Israel. They have called for violence against Jews in the diaspora. These rallies clearly reveal a veiled antisemitism under the guise of being “pro-Palestine.”

But when confronted about their antisemitism, pro-Palestinian activists cry foul and claim they are merely standing for social justice and human rights. They continue to blatantly exploit the conflict to propagate hate against Jews, even when it requires a gross distortion of the facts. In recent weeks, college campuses have become fertile ground for rampant antisemitism. Despite the obvious levels of anti-Jewish and anti-American vitriol, protestors and activists are consistently referred to and perceive themselves as human rights activists, while the media legitimizes this charade instead of labeling these protestors what they are: antisemites. The complicity of many media outlets helps perpetuate dangerous stereotypes and fosters further Jew-hatred.

The tenor and momentum behind the popularity of the “pro-Palestinian” cause is clear, especially amongst young Americans. Tens of thousands of college students across the country have been brainwashed by radical, Marxist doctrines that view America and Israel as the world’s greatest evils. These radical ideas were systematically spread in the U.S. by the Islamo-leftist alliance, especially in academia. For example, an assistant professor at Humboldt State University in California was arrested for refusing to end an illegal occupation at the university. He declared, “Our arrest on a stolen land and in a place that we consider home is an act of violence.” His response perfectly encapsulates the fact that the enemies of Israel are also the enemies of America and the West. They don’t believe that Israel or the United States should exist. The natural remedy? Violence, revolution, and global intifada.

One of the most insidious tactics employed by these individuals is the use of “anti-Zionism” as a masked disguise for antisemitism.  In New York City, pro-Hamas, antisemitic protestors tried to shut down an art exhibit memorializing the victims of the Nova Music Festival massacre. The protestors waved Hezbollah and Hamas flags and called for a global “intifada” outside the Nova exhibit. The phrase “intifada” is not merely an “anti-Zionist” phrase. It refers to the terrorist uprisings in Israel in the past 40 years that injured and killed thousands of innocent civilians. It’s widely accepted as a call for violence against all Jews worldwide. Media outlets referred to these protestors as “Pro-Palestinian”. Supporting Hezbollah and Hamas, officially recognized terrorist groups who have no interest in peace, is not “pro-Palestinian”. The media’s whitewashing of the protestors’ calls for violence does not advance the cause of peace.

Anti-Israel activists regularly and shamefully use Jewish historical trauma to their advantage. A trending social media video perfectly captures this phenomenon with unintentional irony that would be comical if it weren’t so offensive. Currently with over 2 million views, the video argues that “pro-Palestinian” advocates are silenced by claims that they’re “antisemitic”. They appropriate the post-Holocaust motto for Jewish safety, “Never Again” to vilify Israel. Antisemitic activists use the memory of the Holocaust for the purpose of painting its victim, the Jewish people, as the “new” oppressor in the form of Israel. The video also chooses to call the only Jewish state in the world, “genocidal”, a common choice of many antisemitic activists who claim to be “Pro-Palestinian”. Obfuscating and appropriating Jewish history is a tactic that comes directly from the playbook of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah.

Representative Ilhan Omar has infamously and repeatedly used antisemitic rhetoric. Her daughter was among the Columbia students arrested for their illegal encampment, flaunted her antisemitic bona fides. In an attempt to defend the protesters against claims that they’re antisemitic, she said “…we should not have to tolerate antisemitism or bigotry for all Jewish students, whether they’re pro-genocide or anti-genocide.” Rep. Omar was implying that Jews who support Israel are de facto “pro-genocide”. The ADL called out Omar’s comments for what they are, a “blood libel” against Jews.

To combat this troubling trend, media outlets and leaders must acknowledge that these pro-Palestinian activists are antisemitic. The onslaught of protests, boycott demands, divestment campaigns, and slogans must be referred to as “antisemitic efforts”.

Antisemitic protestors choose their words strategically. And too many journalists willfully eat up their obfuscation. Why say “destroy Israel and kill all the Jews there” when you can chant “from the River to the Sea” and hide behind “pro-Palestinian” activism, you should not be allowed to dictate how others describe you. They all use different words and creative framing, but the end goal is clear – to isolate and eradicate the Jewish State, as well as the Jewish people worldwide.

George Orwell once said, “The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.” “Pro-Palestinian” protests have been spraying out ink for a long time – its color is pure antisemitism.

Podcast: Giving Ventures Podcast: Episode 63 — A Jewish Lens on Giving with Adam Milstein

Ever since the terror attacks in Israel on Oct. 7 of last year, we have seen an increased focus on giving to causes related to Israel and Jewish life. In episode 63 of Giving Ventures, Peter is joined by investor and venture philanthropist Adam Milstein to explore how donors might think of challenging anti-Semitism, supporting Jewish culture, and the relationship between all of this to our own challenges in America.

Strategic venture philanthropy – How the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation fights for Israel and combats antisemitism.

This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on May 16th, 2024, written By ALAN ROSENBAUM

‘This is a unique time in the history of the world,” declares Adam Milstein, co-founder of the Los Angeles-based Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation, “when the enemies of the Jewish people and Israel are also enemies of Western civilization and America.”

Over the past decade, Milstein, who grew up in Israel and served in the IDF during the 1973 Yom Kippur War before moving to Los Angeles and becoming a successful real estate investor, community leader, and venture philanthropist, has warned about the exponential rise in antisemitism and its main promoters.

“We were among the first to alert the public that the main source of antisemitism stems from the radical Left and radical Muslims rather than from white supremacists.”

Many scoffed at Milstein’s views, but after Oct. 7, he reports, people are increasingly agreeing with his view that the source of the current wave of antisemitism comes from the unholy alliance between the radical Left and Islamists.

“We are determined to use our knowledge and experience, as well as the fact that we identified the issues before many others, to innovate new solutions and find new ways to fight back,” he says.

One of the groundbreaking ways in which the Milstein Foundation is fighting back is through what he calls “strategic venture philanthropy” to combat the serious threats confronting Israel and the Jewish people during this challenging period.

“Due to our expertise in the field and many years of experience,” says Elena Yacov, executive director of the foundation, “we can vet and select the most effective and innovative organizations to support.” The foundation currently supports close to 100 nonprofit organizations that support Israel, fight antisemitism, and champion American values.

To receive assistance, organizations must meet the criteria of the Milstein Foundation. First, they must support the foundation’s mission, which is to fight antisemitism, support the State of Israel, and protect American democracy.

Foundation staff evaluates the organization for its distinctiveness and effectiveness.

“We want to see proof of concept [gathering evidence to support the feasibility of a project], effectiveness, and impact,” says Yacov. “We need to see a return on our philanthropic investment in terms of their impact.”

Organizations must also be willing to collaborate with other recipients of funding from the Milstein Foundation.

“We don’t want to support two organizations that are doing exactly the same thing, but we want to support and empower organizations to work together and amplify each other’s strengths,” she explains.

Yacov cites a collaborative project by the foundation’s affiliate program – the Impact Forum Venture Fund, which brings together groups of 10 organizations at each cohort. With one donation, a single donor can support an entire group of organizations that has been vetted and selected for effectiveness. The participating organizations are using the funds to create collaborations and joint projects.

“We bring the leaders of these organizations together once a month,” says Yacov, where they get to know each other and work together. The funding is a really great way to incentivize them.”

Milstein points out that the foundation is in close contact with all the organizations it assists and connects them with other groups to encourage further synergy and force multiplication. “If one of them comes up with a research product or campaign that we think more organizations can join and amplify, we will connect many organizations to work together,” he says.

As an example, he cites a 2019 report, created by one of the organizations sponsored by the foundation, about the new antisemitism promoted by the Islamo-leftist alliance and what distinguishes it from classical antisemitism.

He says that the report was distributed throughout a network of 70 different organizations supported by the Milstein Foundation. “In this way,” he says, “we create a huge impact by ensuring that our organizations work together with synergy, force-multiplying their own work.”

Occasionally, the foundation will initiate its own projects when it identifies an area that is not being developed.

Milstein explains that these needs are determined only after extensive research. “The way that we operate is very unique,” he says. “It starts with a comprehensive analysis of the issue, the marketplace, and the anti-Israel organizations involved. We do a great deal of research to understand it further and recognize what we can do to help solve the problem.”

If the Milstein Foundation has identified a need that is not being addressed, it will create a proof of concept and partner with like-minded philanthropists to execute and develop a new project or initiative.

When Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on Oct. 7, the Milstein Foundation was ready to respond to the wave of antisemitism and anti-Israel feelings, due to the numerous organizations and projects it had supported over the past decade.

“We were able to immediately provide solutions and fight back against the exponential rise of antisemitism,” says Milstein. “At the same time, we’re using our knowledge, experience, and existing organizations we support to come up with new ideas that use more cutting-edge technology and AI and other techniques that can scale up our knowledge, experience, and abilities.”

In his view, Oct. 7 was a wake-up call for the American Jewish community, especially among those who identified as progressives, who were dismayed by the lack of support they received from that community. “I now see some more people in the Jewish community interested in fighting antisemitism,” he says, adding that some American Jews are shifting funding toward the Jewish community, the State of Israel, and the fight against antisemitism instead of progressive causes.

However, Milstein is concerned that while anti-Israel demonstrations are constantly being reported throughout the United States, very few hear about pro-Israel demonstrations.

“Furthermore, when politicians say something positive about Israel, they are bombarded by hate, email, and texts from radical leftists and Islamists, but they don’t get too much support from the Jewish community,” he says.

Assimilation, he continues, is the number one enemy of the Jewish community in the United States, and the significance of the State of Israel no longer resonates with the younger generation of American Jews.

“We’re losing many of the biggest pro-Israel donors of our time as the older generation is dying out, and the wealth is being passed to the young generation,” says Milstein. “In the past, there were donors who would give tens of millions of dollars to Israel without thinking twice. The donations today are much less, and relatively fewer donors are supporting Israel.”

To that end, the Milstein Foundation is working with a new generation of younger philanthropists, educating them about venture philanthropy and organizations that can make an impact, getting them involved, and supporting organizations that are pro-Israel and fight antisemitism.

Having been engaged in the world of charitable giving for decades, Adam Milstein says that there are three types of philanthropy: emotional philanthropy; social-belonging philanthropy; and strategic-impact philanthropy.

Emotional philanthropy, he explains, is when people donate to particular organizations or institutions that affect them emotionally, such as their synagogue, their children’s school, or a hospital. They have a personal connection to and derive benefit from supporting the institution.

The meaning of social-belonging philanthropy is when people give money in order to be part of a particular group.

“Whether or not you agree with their mission or you think they are doing their mission effectively, you want to be a large donor because it has status attached to it,” says Milstein. “You want to be part of a social club.”

The most effective type of philanthropy, he says, is the strategic-venture philanthropy model employed by the Milstein Foundation, which closely analyzes the issues, devises solutions, and supports effective organizations.

“It is a holistic way of looking at issues, coming up with solutions, and taking action. It’s not about recognition – it’s about making an impact,” he says. “If you want to make an impact, we say that strategic-venture philanthropy is the way to make a big impact on the future of the Jewish people.”

What advice does Milstein offer to those interested in participating in Jewish philanthropy? “First of all,” he says, “we need to connect with and champion the State of Israel. We have a state with all the power that states have – diplomatic, military, and otherwise. It’s inconceivable that we’re going to fight against the enemies of the Jewish people without the support and engagement of the Jewish homeland, the State of Israel.

“We have tremendous influence and power in America, and now is the time to use it because the later that we respond, the later we unite together to fight back, the more difficult it’s going to be to be effective,” he predicts. “I call for partnership and collaboration, and I call on like-minded organizations and philanthropists to work together.”

Antisemitism may be a threat to the Jewish people, but on the other hand, he points out, it can motivate people to join forces and fight back.

As the interview comes to an end, Milstein says that Israel’s fight against Hamas is more than a localized struggle in the Middle East. “This is a time for us to unite and help others in the overall fight against the forces of evil that are attacking Western civilization today, which is the Islamo-leftist alliance.

“Instead of looking at this and acting as if this is just the problem of the Jewish people, we need to understand it’s a universal problem. The way to solve it is by educating and awakening other Europeans and Americans to understand that this fight is against them and partnering with them in the fight against the forces of evil.”

As evidence of the universal need to fight the forces of evil, Milstein notes that a growing number of the organizations supported by the foundation are non-Jewish organizations that are fighting to protect American democracy, American values, and the exceptional concept of America.

“We’re joining more and more American organizations that are fighting for America because they’re fighting our fight. And if they win, America will win, the world will win, Jews will win, and Israel will win.”

This was written in cooperation with the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation.

Israel must lead the Jewish community in its fight against global antisemitism – opinion

This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on May 13th, 2024, written by Adam Milstein

Antisemitism is a persistent scourge that has haunted the Jewish people for centuries. For thousands of years, Jews faced discrimination, persecution, and state-sanctioned violence. This perilous existence, as guests in other countries, culminated with the Holocaust. Despite the hopes of the well-intentioned “Never Again” soothsayers, since the Holocaust, antisemitism has hardly disappeared into the dustbin of history.

From the Romans to the Babylonians, from the Soviets to the French, from Nazism to the Arab world, and now to American college campuses and elite academic circles, antisemitism endures. It is malleable and pernicious.

Anti-Jewish bigotry adapts repeatedly. It morphs and shape-shifts. Today, this is best seen in the Islamo-leftist alliance, a close relationship between two ideologies that seem to have little in common. Their commonality? Hatred of Jews. Since October 7, this modern version of the ancient hatred has escalated to alarming levels. It threatens not only Jewish communities around the globe but also the very existence of the State of Israel.

Israel has a lot on its plate at the moment.

A war in Gaza and a hot conflict with Hezbollah in its North. An increasingly emboldened Iran seeking nuclear weapons. A cascade of diplomatic crises around the world. But this is an issue that cannot wait. Global antisemitism threatens all Jews – and it threatens the State of Israel. The Jewish state has to figure out how to fight on many fronts and lead the charge against this worldwide scourge.

For the first time in history, in the face of rampant antisemitism in the Diaspora, there is a Jewish state. Not merely any state, but a Jewish state with power. With means. With resources, fortitude, and immense capabilities. Ensuring Jews would no longer be forced to rely on others for their safety was a motivating factor of Zionism. The Holocaust proved this view prescient when Jews across Europe, with neither army nor state, were left to die as the world watched.

Israel has the responsibility to protect Diaspora Jews

While Israel protects its citizens with all its might, it also has a responsibility to protect the Jews of the world. To achieve this, Israel must establish the “Jewish Agency to Combat Antisemitism,” similar to the Jewish Agency for Israel, created in 1929 for the purpose of assisting and encouraging Jews worldwide to help develop and settle Israel.

As the homeland and protector of the Jewish people, Israel must take this proactive measure to combat the rising tide of hatred and prejudice. It is no longer sufficient to rely solely on Jewish communities in the Diaspora to bear the burden of this fight. Israel possesses the resources, expertise, and determination needed to support them. It must do so.

The current war in Gaza underscores the urgency of the moment. This conflict with Hamas is possibly only in its nascent stage. As it persists, antisemitism abroad continues to proliferate. Across the West, antisemitic forces shamelessly harass, bully, and assault Jews. Israel and the Jewish people cannot afford to wait for the demise of Hamas before addressing this global epidemic of Jew hatred. Epidemics need remedies. By creating a “Jewish Agency to Combat Antisemitism,” Israel can take the lead in this fight. And in doing so, reassure Jews across the Diaspora that it maintains an unwavering commitment to their safety and security.

Despite its strength, Israel cannot fight this battle alone. Jewish communities in the Diaspora must continue to stand in solidarity with the Jewish state.

As Israel’s greatest external advocates, Diaspora Jews’ must continue their unwavering defense of the Jewish state in the public square. Jews in the Diaspora must do what they can to support the establishment and impact of the “Jewish Agency to Combat Antisemitism,” including providing significant funding.

To Israelis, Jewish Diaspora support reaffirms their connection to Jewish solidarity around the globe; and in turn, Jews around the world receive support from Israeli ingenuity, innovation, and intelligence capabilities.

This fight must be led by the Jewish people, but not confined solely to us. Alliances are essential in this struggle. For the first time in history, Israel and Jews have natural allies against a common enemy. The Islamo-leftist alliance – whether it is Hezbollah lobbing rockets or US college students burning Israeli and American flags – represents a threat to Jews and Americans alike. It abhors freedom, capitalism, and liberal values.

By forging partnerships with strategic allies, the Jewish people can mobilize greater support in the fight against antisemitism. The case must be made clear. Today, they chant “From the river to the sea” and simultaneously want to rewrite American history and overthrow American meritocracy. Our fight is your fight too.

By establishing the “Jewish Agency to Combat Antisemitism,” and rallying Jewish communities and allies worldwide, Israel can pave the way for a brighter, more secure future for the Jewish people.

As we celebrate Independence Day, the miracle of Israel’s founding as a necessary refuge to account for centuries of persecution, let’s use the moment to reestablish Israel’s role in the global fight to protect the Jewish people.

By committing to combat antisemitism in all its forms, Israel ensures a thriving Jewish future free from persecution and ostracization.

Condemn antisemitism without equivocation to Islamophobia – Opinion

This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on April 21st, 2024, written by Adam Milstein

“Black lives matter” represent a stance against Black intolerance. Following the October 7th massacre of more than 1,200 Israelis, injuring 7,000 more, the Jewish community asks: condemn antisemitism

In 2020, Americans took the streets to protest the death of George Floyd. The phrase “Black lives matter” was born. This chant and slogan is now recognized throughout the world to represent a stance against Black intolerance. When some tried to counter it with “all lives matter” they were perceived as dismissive of the unique struggles of the Black community. One of the better arguments is that universalizing a concept when a specific group of people are harmed, is tantamount to an empty platitude or an even a bigoted retort.

Following October 7th Hamas massacre of more than 1,200 Israelis, injuring 7,000 more, the Jewish community is asking the same: condemn antisemitism. Condemn it without caveat and without universal language of “standing against all forms of hate”. Yet, time and time again, “Islamophobia” is evoked as a counterpart of antisemitism. This is misguided. It’s unproductive. And it’s unfair.

Let me be clear.

Bigotry, prejudice, and violence must be called out and combatted forcefully – whether it is directed at Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, or anyone else. Anyone who traffics in hatred must be condemned, and when necessary, prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That said, by definition, antisemitism and Islamophobia refer to two very different phenomena that have no connections to one another. When lumped together, the message is muddled at best and offensive at worst.

  1. The term Islamophobia does not mean hate against Muslims

First, it’s important to define that despite common misconception, the term Islamophobia doesn’t represent hate against Muslims but rather irrational fear of Muslims. ‘Islamophobia’ as a term has existed since the nineteenth century, but became prominent in 1989 when Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa against Salman Rushdie following his publication of The Satanic Verses. The fatwa not only imposed a death penalty on Rushdie, but also criminalized all the publishers and translators of the book. When Rushdie was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2007 for his services to literature, Iran accused Britain of “Islamophobia”.

Since then, the Islamophobic label has been used increasingly to deter and ultimately criminalize any scrutiny of the behavior any groups or individuals who happen to be Muslim, even when those are committing atrocities like Hamas, or advancing radical or harmful ideas, like Iran’s Mullahs.

Hatred toward Muslim is real, but it doesn’t equal Islamophobia. The Australian man, who killed 51 Muslims in 2019 in Christchurch, New Zealand was an extremist bigot who hated Muslims. He did not irrationally fear them.

Thus, the better term to use is Muslim-hate and not Islamophobia.

2. Muslims are often the perpetrators of Antisemitism

Second, the threat to the Muslim community has one clear culprit – far right white supremacism. While these same supremacists often include antisemitism in their ideology, Jews also face threats from every ideological and political direction, including Muslims who harbor antisemitic views more than any other religious community. Therefore, the treatment of hate against Muslims is not and cannot be similar to the treatment of antisemitism.

Since October 7th, anti-Israel and antisemitic rallies led by Muslims have been held around the world. Calls to kill Jews and eliminate the Jewish state spread widely across the Muslim world. Many featured explicit support for Hamas’ atrocious actions. Pro-Hamas imagery was displayed in Tunisia and antisemitic chants rained from Cairo to Italy. These demonstrations are no surprise, given that:

The simple truth is, many Muslims hold bigoted views towards Jews. Stating this truth is not Islamophobic nor rooted in Muslim hate. Ignoring this truth appeases antisemites.

Therefore, lumping antisemitism and Islamophobia together creates a bizarre and ironic situation where the victims and perpetrators are treated the same and looked at from the same lens.

3. Islamophobia is used as a weapon against those who call out antisemitism

Third, accusations of Islamophobia are often used by extremists to whitewash, obfuscate, and distract from dangerous and growing radical movements in the Muslim world.

Following the Charlie Hebdo attacks in 2015, the prime minister of France, Manuel Valls, refused to use the term ‘Islamophobia’ to describe the phenomenon of anti-Muslim prejudice, because, he said, the accusation of Islamophobia is often used as a weapon by apologists for radical Islamists to silence critics.

Few stand up publicly today against radical Islam and those who do risk being silenced under the label of Islamophobes. The sword of Islamophobia is wielded to deliberately chill discourse and narrow the public marketplace of ideas.

We cannot let accusations of Islamophobia silence us when we confront and defend ourselves against the radical ideologies that exist in the Muslim communities and are now growing in Europe and America. Ideologies that undermine our values and seek to target the Jewish people in Israel and worldwide.

The Muslim Brotherhood, its Palestinian wing—Hamas, and its American wing— CAIR, are designated as terrorist organizations by many countries around the world. Confronting CAIR, whose director said he was “happy to see” Palestinians break out of Gaza on October 7th, is not Islamophobic. Luckily, the White House now agrees.

Confronting Mehdi Hasan, the former MSNBC and Al Jazeera journalist, who pushes conspiracy theories about Israel and defended Rep, Ilhan Omar’s antisemitic comments, is not Islamophobic.

Confronting Rep. Tlaib, who called the 10/7 attack as “resistance”, lies about Israel regularly, and invokes “from the river to the sea”, is not Islamophobic.

And most importantly, calling out the heinous crimes committed by Hamas against Jews is not Islamophobic. As a matter of fact, standing against Hamas – an organization with complete disregard to Christian, Jewish and Muslim lives and freedoms – is neither Islamophobic nor Muslim hate.

These individuals and organizations deserve to be publicly criticized and discredited not because they are Muslim, but because they are guilty of antisemitism and hate.

In the wake of October 7th, it’s time for our leaders and community to recognize that antisemitism and Islamophobia don’t go hand in hand, have nothing in common, and lumping them together leads to more divisiveness and misunderstanding of both communities.

I stand in solidarity with everyone who faces prejudice and discrimination because of their ethnicity or beliefs. Any decent person ought to. That’s why I will continue speaking out against radical Islam and other extremist movements. That’s why I will not stay silent in the face of phony accusations of Islamophobia.

Podcast: Adam Milstein, renowned American-Israeli philanthropist, in conversation with Tamar Uriel-Beeri, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Jerusalem Post explaining the vision and goals of the Impact Forum

Watch my interview with Tamar Uriel-Beeri, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Jerusalem Post, as we discuss the vision and goals of the Impact Forum.

Our network of philanthropists supports pro-America and pro-Israel organizations, with a mission to fight antisemitism, strengthen the state of Israel, and protect American democracy. As we know, the enemies of the Jews and America are the same.

Though the Jews are often the first to be targeted, it is America and Western civilization that are the ultimate targets. Check out the article to learn more.