Milstein Fellow – Their AIPAC Story: Part 1
April 6, 2018 -
This was my first time being at the AIPAC Policy Conference, and to me, it was one of the most significant experiences in my life. The reason being is my family history, and how I grew up. My parents and older sister are from the former Soviet Union, specifically Minsk in Belarus. They left to Israel in 1989, shortly after my sister was born. They Read More…
Diaspora Jews Will Rise to Meet Our Challenges With Israel in Our Hearts
April 5, 2018 -
Jewish history teaches us that it takes great leaders to overcome major challenges.
At the turn of the century, Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, founder of Revisionist Zionism Ze’ev Jabotinsky, World Zionist Organization president Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s first female prime minister Golda Meir, and Hadassah founder Henrietta S Read More…
Toronto day school students place second in AIPAC contest
March 16, 2018 -
By Lila Sarick, Staff Reporter
March 16, 2018
From left, David Roizenman, Zach Weisleder and Ryan Render pitch their idea for a game at the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, D.C.
A team of students from TanenbaumCHAT took second place in a contest to design innovative approaches to pro-Israel advocacy, beating 30 university teams.
The Read More…
Why I’m Optimistic About the Jewish Future in America
February 28, 2018 -
Jewish history teaches us that it takes great leaders to overcome major challenges.
At the turn of the century, Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, founder of Revisionist Zionism Ze’ev Jabotinsky, World Zionist Organization president Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s first female prime minister Golda Meir, and Hadassah founder Henrietta S Read More…
You Can Now Experience Israeli Tour Spots On Virtual Reality
January 31, 2018 -
If you haven’t had the opportunity to visit major Israeli tour spots, you can now experience some of them through virtual reality tours on the Virtually Israel 2.0 website.
A project of the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation and the MERONA Leadership Foundation, Virtually Israel 2.0 features the following videos:
Bible Land Muse Read More…
Pride and Courage: Gifts for our Children in 2018
December 26, 2017 -
This month, we recounted the heroic story of the Maccabees, the Jewish rebel group that lived in the Land of Israel in the second century BCE, which makes clear that we must have pride, courage, and passion to fight for our survival and freedom as a people.
During the time of the Maccabees, the Land of Israel was dominated by Greek armies. Many Read More…
Israeli Americans can be the glue that builds a stronger Jewish community
December 18, 2017 -
The Israeli-American Council’s Fourth Annual National Conference in Washington, D.C., held last month felt like a long-overdue family reunion. Enveloping warmth and a powerful sense of togetherness, the love for Israel was infectious, radiating to and from all the participants.
In the corridors of the Washington Convention Center, teenagers spo Read More…
Ascending Israeli-American group seeks to be the ‘glue,’ not the ‘wedge,’ for US Jewry
November 21, 2017 -
As Jewish communal organizations throughout the U.S. struggle to maintain membership levels and hefty annual budgets, a rapidly growing group with the energy of a well-funded Israeli start-up is challenging the Jewish communal world and its relationship to the state of Israel.
Earlier this month, the Israeli-American Council (IAC) hosted its fourth Read More…
A Dangerous Deceit
November 1, 2017 -
It seems that anti-Semitic views are increasingly being accepted in mainstream American political discourse.
Anti-Semitism can currently be found among three different groups, two of which recently joined forces. The first is the radical Right, which almost everyone recognizes and denounces. Rooted in traditional Christian anti-Semitism, its lega Read More…
Understanding the unlikely radical alliances spreading antisemitism today
October 3, 2017 -
Radical Muslims are focused on destroying and delegitimizing Israel – the historic homeland of the Jewish People — and they fan the flames of antisemitism wherever they can.
Vicious antisemitism has long been present on the radical Right. It has been growing also on the radical Left. And it’s a cornerstone of radical Muslim movements. Althoug Read More…