Global community for Israel inspired by the Israeli-American Community

January 17, 2022 -     This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on January 17, 2022, written by Adam Milstein of the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation. In early December 2021, I attended the largest Israeli community reunion outside of Israel: the annual Israeli American Council (IAC) Summit in Miami, Florida, where I met, enjoyed, and cele Read More…

Does antisemitism exist in Israel?

December 26, 2021 -     This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post (JPOST) on December 26, 2021, written by Adam Milstein of the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation. At the Israeli-American Council (IAC) Summit I recently attended in Miami, I heard from Israeli leaders and ministers that it’s hard for Israelis to relate to the scourge of global a Read More…

The Israel test of the Democratic Party

October 27, 2021 -     This article was originally published in Washington Times on October 27, 2021, written by Adam Milstein of the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation, and James Jay Carafano of The Heritage Foundation. The Democratic Party now faces an important test. Where will it stand when it comes to continuing America’s longstanding, bipartisan support f Read More…

What is Behind the Left’s Opposition to Funding Israel’s Iron Dome?

October 18, 2021 -     This article was originally published in the National Interest on October 18, 2021, written by Adam Milstein of the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation, and James Jay Carafano of The Heritage Foundation. Opposing funding for the Iron Dome doesn’t support American or Israeli interests. It also reveals disturbing motives from the far left. Read More…

1,000 Reasons Why Not to Fight Antisemitism

September 11, 2021 -     This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on September 11, 2021, written by Adam Milstein of the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation. Good News: Antisemitism is no longer a problem worth combatting Dear friends and colleagues, members of the Jewish-American community: Good News! Antisemitism is no longer a problem worth c Read More…

America Needs Jordan, Jordan Needs An Engaged America

August 12, 2021 -     This article was originally published in the on August 12, 2021, written by Adam Milstein of the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation, and James Jay Carafano of The Heritage Foundation. America can’t afford to squander key bilateral relations in the Middle East. Jordan would be near the top of any list of important partners Read More…

From ‘Peaceful’ Anti-Israel Vilification to Antisemitic Violent Attacks

July 12, 2021 -     This article was originally published in the Algemeiner on July 12, 2021. Few could have imagined that the current wave of violence against Jews in major American cities would be possible within living memory of the Holocaust. Jews in America now fear walking the streets wearing Jewish artifacts, congregating outside Jewish community buildings, or Read More…

Antisemitism Isn’t Only a Jewish Problem

July 4, 2021 -     This article was published on on July 4, 2021. Throughout Jewish history in the diaspora, Jews lived at the mercy of local rulers and largely lacked the ability to defend themselves. Today, however, American Jews have established themselves as one of the most successful immigrant communities in the United States and they also have the Stat Read More…

Fight Antisemitism: ‘Never Again’ Must Be Backed By Actions

June 10, 2021 -     This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on June 10, 2021. Each year Jews and non-Jews around the world recite the mantra “Never Again” to remember the six million Jewish lives and tens of millions of other victims murdered by the Nazis. And then, each year, we continue to see Jew-hatred and antisemitic violent attacks contin Read More…

Biden needs to stand by Israel, against terrorism

May 20, 2021 -     This article was published in The Detroit News on May 20, 2021, written by Adam Milstein of the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation, and James Jay Carafano of The Heritage Foundation. Make no mistake, Hamas and Islamic Jihad (IJ) are terrorist organizations. Their attacks on Israel have one purpose — blood, anybody’s blood, Jew, Arab o Read More…