Kosher OC: Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation: Connecting and Getting Involved in the Cause
March 2, 2015 -
Philanthropist Adam Milstein thinks there is a problem with the culture of many Jewish and pro-Israel organizations. Because their priority is to raise funds, each one wants to stand out as the most important, effective organization. “Just give us the money, and we can take care of it, is the way they present themselves,” he said. If they Read More…
JNS: ‘Active’ philanthropist Adam Milstein a growing connector in the Jewish world
February 6, 2015 -
Posted on February 6, 2015 by Jacob Kamaras / and filed under Features, Israel, U.S.
Click photo to download. Caption: U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ, pictured at left) with Jewish philanthropist Adam Milstein at the Israeli-American Council national conference in Washington, DC, in November 2014. Read More…
StandWithUs Israel in Focus Conference funded by a generous grant from the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation
December 1, 2014 -
The annual StandWithUs Israel in Focus conference brings together 150-200 college students from across North America as well as StandWithUs Israel Fellows (shlichim) to a weekend-long conference in Los Angeles. The conference is funded by a generous grant from the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation. Over three days, participants learn the ski Read More…
December 1, 2014 -
Israel is a vibrant democracy with full rights for women and gays, a free press and independent judiciary. You would think that the United Nations would celebrate such a country. Instead, the UN condemns Israel at every turn to the point of obsession. How did this happen? Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institu Read More…
Jewish Press: The Birth Of A New Force In U.S. Jewish Communal Life
November 22, 2014 -
More than 700 Israeli-American gathered earlier this month in Washington, DC, for the inaugural Israeli-American Council (IAC) conference. Talks by politicians, deplomats, academics, busdinessmen, philantropists and media personalities, coupled with well-attended sessions on relations between Israel and the U.S. and the role Israelies play Read More…
Israeli-American Council jumps onto national stage with a splash
November 20, 2014 -
Israeli-American Council Chairman Shawn Evenhaim, former Sen. Joseph Lieberman, former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and Israeli-American businessman and IAC board member Adam Milstein. Photo by Shahar Azran
At the Israeli-American Council’s (IAC) three-day inaugural conference in Washington, D.C., last weekend, nearly 800 at Read More…
The Jewish FORWARD: Sheldon Adelson Is a Philanthropist Like No Other
November 7, 2014 -
Casino Billionaire Transforms Shape of Jewish Giving
By Nathan Guttman
Published November 03, 2014, issue of November 07, 2014.
Sheldon Adelson's Self-Defeating Meddling
Tough Night for Sheldon Adelson
When a storm wreaked havoc on East Coast air travel last winter, among th Read More…
JNS: Growing organization helps Israeli Americans find their voice
October 25, 2014 -
Posted on October 22, 2014 by Jacob Kamaras / and filed under Israel, U.S., Features.
By Jacob Kamaras/
The so-called “alphabet soup” of American Jewish organizations covers seemingly every communal concern and interest group. Yet despite their direct connection with the Jewish homeland and firsthand knowledge of issues Read More…
Haaretz: Proud to be Israeli-Americans – in the U.S.
October 19, 2014 -
Attitudes toward Israeli expats have changed in recent years. Nobody in Israel calls them ‘traitors’ any more, while Americans now view them as entrepreneurs rather than blue-collar migrant workers.
By Haim Handwerker | Oct. 19, 2014 | 2:00 AM | 2
An IAC event. Six branches have been established across the U.S. within a ye Read More…
A Black South African on Israel and Apartheid – sponsored by the MIlstein Family Foundation
October 13, 2014 -
Is Israel an “apartheid state,” as its enemies claim? Who better to answer that charge than a Black South African who lived through apartheid? Kenneth Meshoe, a member of the South African parliament, fits that bill. He examines the evidence against Israel and draws a compelling conclusion.
The content was produced by Prager University Read More…