The New Israeli-Americans
February 3, 2017 -
By Ellen Wexler
When she moved to New York in 2003, Shelly Oria did her best to imitate Americans. She learned to hold doors, to be less aggressi Read More…
Investing Jewish Philanthropic Dollars, More Effectively and Wisely
January 26, 2017 -
The return on our investment will be nothing less than a vibrant Jewish future.
Jewish leaders and philanthropists are now engaged in an intense and crucial conversation. There is growing concern that Jews – particularly the next generation – are disconnecting from their Jewish heritage and from the State of Israel. The now infamous Pew Study � Read More…
JNF-USA’s ‘Caravan for Democracy’ brings dozens of non-Jewish college students to Israel
January 6, 2017 -
"A powerful, breathtaking experience."
Micaela Procopio, a fifth-year senior at Michigan State University, says she wanted to see the situation in Israel for herself – and she has been impressed.
“I came here to form my own opinions about Israel instead of having the news or others form it for me,” says Procopi Read More…
Instilling Jewish pride, building courage and fostering brotherhood
December 12, 2016 -
Although we are less than 0.2 percent of mankind, the Jewish People have been able to accomplish extraordinary things because of our belief that the impossible could be achieved.
Hanukkah, our Festival of Lights, is fast approaching.
In recounting the heroic story of the Maccabees, the Jewish rebel group that lived in the Land of Israel in the seco Read More…
Transforming a Complicated Past to A Promising Future: Why Christians and Jews Must Come Together to Battle Surging Anti-Semitism
November 23, 2016 -
By Pastor Samuel Rodriguez and Adam Milstein
Christianity and Judaism are different branches on the same family tree. Built on the teachings of Jesus Christ – a Jew living in the land of Israel – Christianity shares with Judaism the sacred text of the old testament, a set of values rooted in ethical monotheism, and a belief in the Read More…
Antisemitism in America is rising on the Right and the Left
October 26, 2016 -
Israel and the Jewish people are not necessarily the ultimate objectives of their campaigns, but it’s more convenient for them to start with the Jews.
For thousands of years Jews have been targeted, persecuted and hated for a range of irrational and paradoxical reasons. We have been blamed for the crucifixion and killing of Jesus, even though Read More…
Being ourselves: How Israeli-Americans have cultivated a new movement
October 18, 2016 -
Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
It is a sentiment that I have taken to heart over the past decade, as I have worked to cultivate an Israeli-American identity for myself, my family, and my community. The process of building this identity as a co-founder and, for the past year, as Chairman of the Israeli-A Read More…
The IAC’s Third Annual Conference: Embracing a New Identity, Building a Movement and Changing Jewish Future
October 11, 2016 -
By: Adam Milstein
Last month, in our nation’s capital, the Israeli-American Council (IAC) hosted the largest gathering of the Israeli-American community in history. The IAC’s Third Annual National conference brought together more than 2,100 Israeli-Americans and Jewish-Americans of all ages and backgrounds, alongside dynamic Read More…
Jerusalem Post 50 Most Influential Jews: Number 39 – Adam Milstein
October 10, 2016 -
As co-founder of the Israeli-American Council based in California, Adam Milstein’s mission has been to strengthen and support the State of Israel and the Jewish people, as well as the US-Israel relationship.
The IAC has been doing so by connecting American Jewry (about 5.5 million) and the Israeli-American community in the US (about half a mi Read More…
The Bizrael Bridge to Israeli Tech and Entrepreneurial Innovation
September 22, 2016 -
The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation proudly supports Bizrael, which organizes professional business trips to connect people with Israel’s leading startups, international companies, academia, and other key players behind the Startup Nation. Below, Co-founder and Director Jason Weiss shares how Bizrael harnesses the Read More…