At a time of growing challenges, “Israeliness” offers the Jewish community game-changing solutions

August 31, 2017 -     Today, the collective strength of the Jewish people may be greater than at any other time in our history. We have an independent Jewish state with a booming economy and one of the world’s most powerful militaries. The American Jewish community has reached the heights of success in politics, business, arts and culture, and science, becoming perhap Read More…

The Fight Against the New Anti-Semitism

July 27, 2017 -     The 20th century began with a series of pogroms targeting Jews that swept across Eastern Europe and Latin America, the most infamous of which was in Kishinev, Russia. A poisonous anti-Jewish campaign culminated on Easter 1903, as gangs of men, 10 to 20 apiece, stormed through the Jewish areas of the city armed with hatchets and knives. They went bl Read More…

Three Secrets to Being an Effective Philanthropist

June 28, 2017 -     After decades of involvement with more than 100 non-profit organizations, I have learned that philanthropy is about much more than writing checks. In fact, I found that it is actually much harder to give away money as a philanthropist and obtain a high return on your investment than it was to make money as a real estate investor. There are a ran Read More…

BDS is Continuing to Spread Hate and Anti-Semitism Across the U.S.

June 12, 2017 -     You can join the fight to stop it! Click here to help us fight BDS. A vicious sickness known as anti-Semitism has infected people with hate across centuries, cultures, and continents — and Jewish communities have often paid the price for it. In the U.S., after decades of historic declines in anti-Semitic attitudes and incidents, the disease has Read More…

Boots on America’s Campuses

June 12, 2017 -     Over the past several years, the harassment and intimidation that the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) groups have brought to America’s college campuses have grown by leaps and bounds. For years, many worthy Jewish and pro-Israel organizations worked to counter this hate, but the problem has only seemed to grow worse. At UCLA, a Jewish st Read More…

TAMID Tank: USC’s first-ever Shark Tank for college students

May 30, 2017 -     USC has an outstanding entrepreneurial community, an incredible venture capital (VC) network, and thousands of fanatic Shark Tank viewers. Daniel Newman founded two startups and had the experience necessary to work with entrepreneurs and VCs alike to make TAMID Tank at USC a reality. He was elected Vice President of Operations of USC TAMID at the e Read More…

Milstein Fellow – Their AIPAC Story [3/3]

April 25, 2017 -     There is a famous quote by Martin Luther King Jr. that states, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Over eighteen thousand Americans and over two-thirds of Congress came together this past week at the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington D.C. because they love Israel. Read More…

Milstein Fellow – Their AIPAC Story [2/3]

April 25, 2017 -     The Adam and Gila Milstein Foundation and the Milstein Fellows program afforded me my first opportunity to attend an AIPAC policy conference. I am originally from Little Rock, Arkansas and attend school in Peoria, Illinois. These cities both have rather small Jewish communities. Coming to AIPAC was my first real look at just active and amazing the Read More…

Milstein Fellow – their AIPAC Story [1/3]

April 25, 2017 -     I was excited to attend the AIPAC policy conference for the first time this year. I have wanted to attend the conference ever since my older brother first went five years ago. Since then, I have watched my two sisters join with him in DC every April. I couldn’t wait for it to be my turn. In middle school, my interest in politics grew and was Read More…

Why Pride and Courage are the Keys to the Jewish People’s Future

March 27, 2017 -     “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” This quote, attributed to Winston Churchill, has been a secret of the Jewish people for 5,000 years. Through ups and downs, through unbelievable triumph and unimaginable persecution, Jewish men and women in each generation have found the courage and str Read More…