IAC Head Milstein Urges: Boycott the Boycotters
May 23, 2016 -
Jewish and pro-Israel communities should be on the offensive when it comes to fighting BDS, chairman of the Israeli-American Council Adam Milstein said at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference.
“BDS is a movement to eradicate the State of Israel, pure and simple,” Adam Milstein told the audience.
He said the movement is becoming a source of r Read More…
A Participant in Milstein Family Foundation Partner Programs Shares Her Story
April 29, 2016 -
The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation is proud to partner with Students Supporting Israel (SSI) and Hasbara Fellowships, both pro-Israel campus movements. A participant in these programs, Liat Menna, shares how the Milstein Family Foundation’s support has helped her find a truly strong and rewarding conn Read More…
Judeo-Christian Values Are Under Attack in the Middle East — and in the Middle of America
April 29, 2016 -
Christianity’s home has always been the Middle East. Legend tells that Jesus walked the Sea of Galilee, and the Bible is infused with regional landmarks, history, and descriptors.
Yet Christians are no longer safe in their own birthplace.
The Christian community in the Palestinian territories has declined rapidly. About a century ago, the fam Read More…
The Israeli-American Connector
April 25, 2016 -
Adam Milstein tells the ‘Post’ why the IAC should be spearheading the battle against BDS.
As national chairman of the Israeli-American Council, an umbrella group of Americans of Israeli descent living in the US, the Los Angeles-based Adam Milstein sees himself as the "connector" between Israel and the Read More…
Israelis and Evangelicals Allying to Defeat BDS
April 19, 2016 -
“For Zion’s sake will I not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her triumph go forth as brightness, and her salvation as a torch that burneth.” Isaiah 62:1 (The Israel Bible™)
There are nearly one million Israelis living in the United States forming roughly one third of the entire pro-Israel Jewish camp. Read More…
A Common Fight: Why Christians and Jews are Coming Together to Defeat Hate and Intolerance
April 12, 2016 -
By Pastor Carlos Ortiz and Adam Milstein
For the first time in 1,600 years, there are no Christians left in Mosul. This once-thriving Christian community in Iraq has been completely decimated by radical Islamists – like so many others across the Middle East – with thousands fleeing their families’ ancient homes when faced with d Read More…
The Top 100 People Positively Influencing Jewish Life, 2015
March 30, 2016 -
In honor of The Algemeiner’s 3rd annual JEWISH 100 Gala, we are delighted to unveil the third Algemeiner Jewish 100 list of the top one hundred individuals who have positively influenced Jewish life this past year. Before you work your way through this exciting list, we wanted to first share some of the thoughts that we discussed as Read More…
The 25 Most Influential People in the ‘Jewish Twitterverse’
March 30, 2016 -
Original post can be found on Ha’aretz by Gabe Friedman
JTA – Ten years ago this week, Twitter was born. Never ones to miss a good conversation, Jews quickly adopted the social network, and they haven’t stopped kibitzing since.
To celebrate the birth of this post-modern Talmud, we’ve updated JTA&rsqu Read More…
An AIPAC Campus Allies alumnus shares his story
March 8, 2016 -
The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation proudly supports AIPAC’s Campus Allies Mission, which brings non-Jewish, pro-Israel political activists to Israel for the first time. The on-the-ground experiences in the Holy Land teach participants about the importance of the United States-Israel relationship and gives them a deeper und Read More…
A historic agreement to further the U.S.-Israel Partnership in California and Beyond
February 23, 2016 -
This article was originally posted on the Times of Israel Blog
Both Israel and California are centers of innovation, filled with brilliant minds and bold ideas. In so many spheres, Israelis and Californians have worked together to do extraordinary things – from building high-tech companies like WAZE, to advancing cutting-edge medical res Read More…
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Our Mission
The mission of The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation (“MFF”) is to strengthen American values, support the U.S.-Israel alliance, and combat bigotry and hatred in all forms.
MFF also works to strengthen the Jewish people and their affinity to the State of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people, by instilling pride in their Jewish identity and fostering the courage to stand up and combat their detractors… Read More
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