Milstein Fellow – Their AIPAC Story [3/3]

April 25, 2017 -     There is a famous quote by Martin Luther King Jr. that states, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Over eighteen thousand Americans and over two-thirds of Congress came together this past week at the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington D.C. because they love Israel. Read More…

Milstein Fellow – Their AIPAC Story [2/3]

April 25, 2017 -     The Adam and Gila Milstein Foundation and the Milstein Fellows program afforded me my first opportunity to attend an AIPAC policy conference. I am originally from Little Rock, Arkansas and attend school in Peoria, Illinois. These cities both have rather small Jewish communities. Coming to AIPAC was my first real look at just active and amazing the Read More…

Milstein Fellow – their AIPAC Story [1/3]

April 25, 2017 -     I was excited to attend the AIPAC policy conference for the first time this year. I have wanted to attend the conference ever since my older brother first went five years ago. Since then, I have watched my two sisters join with him in DC every April. I couldn’t wait for it to be my turn. In middle school, my interest in politics grew and was Read More…

Why Pride and Courage are the Keys to the Jewish People’s Future

March 27, 2017 -     “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” This quote, attributed to Winston Churchill, has been a secret of the Jewish people for 5,000 years. Through ups and downs, through unbelievable triumph and unimaginable persecution, Jewish men and women in each generation have found the courage and str Read More…

Investing Jewish Philanthropic Dollars, More Effectively and Wisely

January 26, 2017 -     The return on our investment will be nothing less than a vibrant Jewish future. Jewish leaders and philanthropists are now engaged in an intense and crucial conversation. There is growing concern that Jews – particularly the next generation – are disconnecting from their Jewish heritage and from the State of Israel. The now infamous Pew Study � Read More…

Transforming a Complicated Past to A Promising Future: Why Christians and Jews Must Come Together to Battle Surging Anti-Semitism

November 23, 2016 -     By Pastor Samuel Rodriguez and Adam Milstein  Christianity and Judaism are different branches on the same family tree. Built on the teachings of Jesus Christ – a Jew living in the land of Israel – Christianity shares with Judaism the sacred text of the old testament, a set of values rooted in ethical monotheism, and a belief in the Read More…

My Personal Philanthropic Journey: Why giving is the greatest joy of all

August 18, 2016 -     The Talmud tells us: “More than the calf wants to suckle; the cow wants to nurse.” For people who are actively involved in philanthropy, this makes a lot of sense. They know that the donor often ends up receiving as much, if not more, than the people and organizations that they support. Jewish laws of charity, or Tzedakah, obligates us Read More…

Universal Jewish Wisdom: Building Partnerships – a personal story

July 30, 2016 -     Pirkei Avot teaches us to “קנה לך חבר” — “acquire a friend.” This Talmud verse is counter-intuitive. Friendship is a unique kind of relationship that money could never buy. When you look deeper, you come to appreciate that the true meaning of “acquire a friend” is the importance of investing in frie Read More…

Podcast: Adam Milstein & Haim Saban

June 20, 2016 -     Adam Milstein & Haim Saban Adam and Haim discuss how important it is to have Israeli-Americans be the connector between the U.S. and Israel; as well as how we can fight BDS and anti-Semitism. Haim Saban is an Israeli-American media proprietor, investor, philanthropist, musician, record, film & television producer as well as an accomplishe Read More…

Israeli-American Council Brings Israeli Solutions To Address California Drought

June 17, 2016 -     Like many with hyphenated identities, Israeli-Americans have proven to be uniquely capable bridge builders. In recent years, the Israeli-American Council (IAC), and its partner advocacy organization, the Israeli-American Nexus (IAX), have been able to tap into our community’s unique fluency in both the Israeli and American cultures to build Read More…